2013年11月30日 星期六

5K / 30分鐘

12月的第一天早上, 我選擇到南華會的健身中心跑5K, 用了30分鐘,這符合我之前為自己訂下的基本速度。
如果我説每天都做到堅持運動這目標,這是騙你的,實情是,有時比原定晩了起床,有時一大清早已要到達學校,每天運動難以堅持,但最值得自己堅持的是,這個運動計劃是持續一整年的, 背後保持身體健康的理念是非常清楚的。

2013年11月29日 星期五

MTR Serving as a model and its Station Names

I’ve just heard about this recently but you might know this already: some of the MTR stations had names that were different in English and Chinese. They were changed, to avoid any confusion.

Yau Ma Tei was Waterloo, because it was on the corner of Waterloo Road. Mong Kok was Argyle for a similar reason. But this caused confusion because local people did not know where Waterloo or Argyle Stations were and English speakers never heard of Yau Ma Tei or Mong Kok.
Eventually the Chinese names prevailed. Strangely, Mong Kok was originally Wong Kok in Cantonese: apparently the man hanging the sign turned the W upside down!

Some are crticizing the development of Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway System is lag far behind from the ones nearby. I find that comparatively, HK MTR has its own characteristics. For example, architecture of MTR stations is less artistic, instead focusing on structural practicability. With the high level of daily passenger traffic, facilities of the MTR stations are built with durability and accessibility in mind.

Another example is that at various stations of the MTR network, the MTRCL (took over from KCR) has set up feeder buses which enhance the convenience of taking the MTR. These bus routes, which normally consist of one to two stops, terminate at housing estates and go past major landmarks. The feeder bus routes on East Rail Line are run under the MTR name but are operated by Kowloon Motor Bus.

By clicking into its wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTR, you could find more about how this successful railway network operates.


在灣仔幫學生補完習後, 與同事搭電車到銅鑼灣覓食。銅鑼灣區食肆選擇特多, 老實說, '魂'並非我們的首選, 況且登上電車時已經是八點三十分的事了。直至電車到達鵝頸橋, 我猛然想起'魂'的存在, 特別是'魂'店犀利的豬骨湯底和彈牙的麵條。但更慶幸的事居然發生了! 我們本身對能否於晚上八點四十分後吃到'魂'的拉麵並不存厚望, 特別是我在某個週末曾'被截龍'後, 僅抱有一絲希望, 但, 儘管一試吧! 結果, 皇天不負有心人, 我們剛好趕得及於湯底賣完前到達!!

大概是已經相對晚了,排隊時間大約只需10分鐘。 但我這個已經第三次光顧的人的期待心情, 相信比第一次光臨的同事有過之而無不及!

萬分期待後,終於輪到我們了! 同事選了”火魂” ,我非常幸運地, 能夠點到青龍!!

青龍是豬骨湯配上菠菜汁,還有配料蟹肉碎,蟹柳,露筍,半隻糖心蛋,叉燒同栗米,以及少少魚子醬, 湯底很清甜, 魚子醬、蟹肉,味道都非常一流!! 這碗麵的確令人十分滿足, 99元是物超所值的.

同事點的是'火魂', 再加配料粟米, 同事覺得好不好吃? 看她吃個不停點頭就知道了!! 我也嘗了兩口火魂的湯底, 同事覺得湯底味道濃了一點, 我嘛..是很期望下一次再光臨的!

腦海中浮現了新同事提出的問題, 她說常聽到很多香港人說香港的餐廳選擇又多, 質素又良莠不齊, 因此經常會有餐廳結業, 能夠挨上一兩年已經非常了不起。

 '魂'是一家用心製作拉麵的小店, 我相信, 做人和開拉麵小店一樣, 只要肯用心和堅持去做, 懂得欣賞的人始終會繼續光臨的。